The Christy Amplify Award for Christian Fiction was created by publishers and agents to elevate and recognize under-represented ethnic stories of excellence, and their authors.
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by Toni Shiloh
(Bethany House/ Baker Publishing Group)
“Our judges agreed that it was hard not to be overtaken by the superb storytelling, world-building, and character development that Shiloh has mastered with seemingly extraordinary ease and flow. We found it to be an outstanding representation of literary excellence and an authentic 'own voices' story that stood out in every way. We find it a unique privilege, as an ethnically diverse judge panel, to contribute toward a deeper read of books by BIPOC authors and look forward to continuing to amplify their voices and stories.”
— JEVON BOLDEN, CEO of Embolden Media Group and program consultant
Here are some comments from our judges:
“Most fiction relies on some degree of implausibility—an unusual situation takes an unlikely protagonist on an unexpected journey. But what makes for truly quality fiction is when the author creates a world where the premises become credible and the hypothetical becomes reality. While I am probably not the target reader for this princess story, I was captivated by the author's exceptional worldbuilding, characterization, and plot development. Her fictional African nation setting had such a well-drawn sense of place and identity that we judges wished we could visit it. The heroine's journey into her cultural history and family identity is one that many of us people of color continue to navigate, even if we are not secret royalty. The excellence of the author's narrative craft, authenticity of voice, and skill in writing came through clearly, leaving our diverse judging panel in unanimous agreement. We are pleased to recognize Toni Shiloh’s In Search of a Prince as worthy of the inaugural Amplify Award for Christian fiction.”
“I loved the development of the African country and the language. I totally felt transported to a unique place in Africa. The development with Brielle and her grandfather was beautiful and the angst in her relationship with Tomori had me anticipating how and when they would get together. The Christian theme is throughout and flows naturally. I loved all the characters and how they interacted together.”
“The world of In Search of a Prince drew me in immediately. Shiloh has filled the fictional kingdom of Ọlọrọ Ilé with so much life, culture, and vibrancy that it feels like a real place. The experience of the main character, Brielle, as a child of the African diaspora returning to the land of her ancestors felt authentic and not contrived. She is like a fish out of water at times, has much to learn about the culture, and even has a hard time with some of the local delicacies (like fish). It captures the experience of many who return to their homelands and find that they do not just automatically belong.”
“In Search of a Prince: A FUN story for readers to get lost in. A beautifully built world with a plotline and character dialogue that flowed authentically.”
“This novel is so fun, but there’s depth here as well. I was fully invested in Brielle’s journey all the way through, both her experience of trying to fit into the land of her heritage, the high-pressure choices she had to make, and her romance. The full cast of supporting characters get five stars from me, and I felt fully immersed in the world Shiloh created.”